**under construnction**
Imagine it… Fundraising through Recycling is a easy, ongoing and flexible program!  Simply collect internally, bring in from home and spread the word.

Family members and friends can sign up their place of business for FREE pickup. The cartridges are sometimes large and messy so we have made it effortless for all to donate.  Your orginaztion receives the funding and Imagine it… does all the work.

Each “company supporter” has an detailed donation account and the funds will go to your orginization in a check.  At any time, you can request a spreadsheet showing all locations and donations.  Once a company is signed up, your orginization receives funding year after year!

*FREE Pickup and logistical Support. weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on volume
*FREE Custom program materials. Endless FREE fliers, posters and customizable materials
*FREE Detailed Donation Records. For your orginization and your supporting companies
*FREE Recycling Recepticals

Imagine it… has created an Easy and FREE Recycling Fundraising Program that Concentrates on the most Important Component in our Sustainability efforts… REUSE! In this ever changing Electronic Evolution Imagine it… offers a WIN WIN WIN Solution!  Together, we CAN do a World of Good!

“Fundraising through recycling is the BEST FUNDRAISING IDEA EVER!
It’s EASY to make a real difference by keeping reusable items out of landfills
and supporting our area’s non-profits. EVERYONE BENEFITS!”
Carol R. Gravette
American Cancer Society